ENSO Lifetime Tire Guarantee

At Enso we design and manufacture our tires to last and we are therefore delighted to offer you a lifetime guarantee on our tires.

What is the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee?

The Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee is our promise to you to replace any Enso road tire which needs replacing due to (i) defects in the design, manufacture or materials used; or (ii) normal road use.

How does the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee work?

We will replace free of charge any Enso road tire that has a remaining tread depth of 8mm or more. Where the tread depth is less than 8mm we will contribute towards the cost of the replacement tire according to the table below and we will cover the reasonable cost of the additional fitting:

Remaining Tread Depth (as a percentage of original tread depth)

Enso contribution to the replacement price

Your contribution to the replacement price




Less than 100% but more than 80%



Less than 80% but more than 50%



Less than 50% but more than 25%



Less than 25%



So for example a tire for a passenger car may originally have 8mm of tread depth. If a successful claim is made under the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee then a 100% contribution to a replacement tire will be made by Enso if the tire still has 8mm when the guarantee is claimed. If however for example the passenger car tire has only 6-7mm at the time of claim then Enso will only make a 75% contribution to the replacement price, 4-5mm 50%, 2-3mm 25% and below 2mm 0%.

How do I qualify for the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee ?

In order to qualify for the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee you must first register your Guarantee with us using this downloadable form.

How do I claim under the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee?

Bring the tire that requires replacing to us or to any Enso approved dealer. The remaining tread depth will then be assessed by our dealer and the decision of the dealer will be final.

Does it apply to all Enso tires?

The Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee applies to all Enso road tires. For reasons that will be obvious the Guarantee does not apply to prototype Enso tires or tires which are supplied as part of a trial or for testing purposes.

Can I transfer the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee to someone else?

Unfortunately not. Only the person that has registered the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee with us may make a claim.

Are there any restrictions or limitations on what can be claimed?

The Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee is intended to replace tires that need replacing due to defects in the design, manufacture or materials used or because of normal road use. We will not therefore replace tires under the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee where we reasonably believe that (i) they can be repaired or (ii) replacement is required due to other reasons including the following:

  • Damage caused by off-road use, use on unmade roads or racing;

  • Deliberate or malicious damage or acts of vandalism or theft;

  • Damage caused by fitting, removal or attempted repairs to the tire or wheel;

  • Damage caused by use of snow chains or failing to use prescribed tire pressures;

  • Use of the wrong or defective wheels

  • Damage caused by other mechanical failure or defect of the vehicle or by customisations to the vehicle.

Does the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee affect my rights?

All Enso tires are sold subject to our Terms and Conditions.

The Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee is offered by us in addition to our Terms and Conditions and your statutory rights. Nothing in the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee therefore affects either your rights as set out in our Terms and Conditions or your statutory rights.

Who do I contact if I have a question about the Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee?

Our contact details are as follows:

By Post

Enso Limited,
Sustainable County Hall,
Belvedere Road,
London, SE1 7PB,
United Kingdom

By Email [email protected]

Please clearly mark all correspondence “Enso Lifetime Tire Guarantee”